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Huachang Attended the DesignBUILD eXhibition in Sydney, Australia DesignBUILD
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May 8, 2013-May 10, Huachang Foreign Trade Department went to Sydney, Australia, several colleagues attended DesignBUILD exhibition.


DesignBUILD exhibition is Australia's largest building materials market, this exhibition show mainly for Australia and New Zealand market. Not only our factory, but also attracts many local aluminum companies participated in the exhibition, while several domestic enterprises have also finished doors attended the event.This is our first trip to Australia exhibition, but  many of our customers are coming consult with samples or drawings, which our exhibitors were given a warm reception for, and highlights our exports to the Australian market advantage.Although in 2009 the Australian government for the Chinese aluminum companies had anti-dumping and countervailing investigations, since our company actively involved in responding to it, So Huachang in the final to win some tax advantages and other aspects. Many customers showed a strong interest to our factory, and said he was willing to further communications.


The exhibition is in Australia to expand our market to do a good groundwork, but also effectively enhance our brand in Australia's influence and brand awareness. The exhibition is expected to have 

achieved good results.




Updated:2013-07-30 | Return
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